So You Wanna Be an Animation Producer
Max Howard’s animation career has spanned over thirty years, serving as a studio executive and/or producer on some of the industry’s most iconic and successful films. This, coupled with producing and consulting on independently produced animated feature films, has given Max a unique perspective. He says, ‘no matter the size of the budget, one can always use more.’
The successful producer understands the secret, it’s how you use the time and money that will lead to success – there’s never enough of either …. or so we think - ‘if only’ is the call. Whereas the secret is celebrating what you do have, and then allocating those resources in the most efficient way, making sure every penny spent gets on the screen. Producing is a balance between the creative vision and the resources available – ‘that’s time and money.’
The workshop explores all aspects of becoming a successful producer, from organization to managing a creative community; from development to distributing the finished film. ‘So you wanna be a producer’ or if you just want to understand how an animated film is made, this workshop is definitely for you.